
What about your class

Bumgye M.S An Soo Min


     What kind of school life do you have now? Offline classes? Unfortunately, our school is conducting oneline classes because of serious infectious diseases. There are two kinds of online clsasses that our school utilizes. Zoom and the Wedoorang. How do you think about the two classes? Let's think objectively. Was there anything uncomfortable?


     I'm going to compare the pros and coms of the Wedoorang and Zomm class. The biggest advantage of Wedoorang is being free of time. The Wedoorang can be usesd at a convenient time for students because they can submit classes assignmants at any given time. However, the students' concentration, participation and learning ability decrease. Teachers also have to inspect each student's posts, so grading is delayed. The advantage of zoom class is that it is the most similar and systematic class compared to school class. Zoom classes are interactive, so questioning and answering are possible just system, it is the most familiar class for students. But because of the limitations of each family's media, comunication errors are frequent ad students' fatigue from blue light exposure is immeasurable.


     Zoom classes and Wedoorang classes habe not been perfect. Unfortunatel, this class seems to last for a while. I hope the day all the students face each other comes before they get tired of online classes.


objectively: 객관적으로  conveniet: 편리하다  systematic: 체계적인  interactive: 상호적인(실시간의, 쌍방향의)  fatigue: 피로를느끼다

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