
4 important English saying

Learn this saying, confident in English!

1. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Be careful when you put all the money in one stock, or put your every belongings in one bag. You might lose all of them. You might take a large risk! This saying means that you had better invest your money evenly, just in case things don't work out well.


2. Let the cat out of the bag.

This saying is used when a secret leaked. You can use this saying when someone discover a deception of seller. This saying came from a medieval market, where people put a cat into a bag instead of pigs.


3. Don't bite off more than you can chew.

If you eat food too much in a bite, you might not be able to chew your foods. Also, they can get caught in your neck, like you have too many duties compared to your time and ability. So, how about just bite off little by little? It is the better way to work.


4. Money doesn't grow on trees.

Apples, leaves, and branches are plentiful, since they always grow in the tree. However, I'm sorry that money doesn't. You should work hard to earn money, and once you use it, it never grows up again like leaves and apples. This saying is used to some people who waste money in little things.


5. The forbidden fruit is always the sweetest.

Forbidden means that is now allowed to you. It is natural that you want something forbidden more than something allowed. For example, if you cannot eat fast food since your parents do not want you to eat them,  you might want to eat it more than healthy home coooked meal.


photo source-FluentU English Learning Blog - Learn English Online

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