
What should we prepare for the high school?

There is an apothegm saying ‘If you know whole thing of your enemy, you could win in any battle.’. Enemy is metaphor of each subjects we have to study. So, for the one who will go to high school in 2021, let me introduce the studying method of each subject based on interview with Mikyeong Shon, our English teacher, and Dohong Lee, our Korean teacher.

The first subject is ‘Korean’. In the test, we divide it as 3 category, ‘Grammar’, ‘literature’, and ‘non-literature’. According to interview with teacher Lee, grammar is not quite different from what we learned in middle school, except middle Korean. He said, “In high school, we learn it more deeply, so we need to remind what we learned in middle school. However, previewing middle Korean is important. You might think it is needless, but it is important because it has many differences between modern-Korean we use nowadays." In the case of ‘literature’, teacher Lee emphasized the importance of studying the concept of word used to describe the characteristics of literature. He also said that reading novels and poetries written by famous author who made big footprint on Korean literature is good for us to easily understand many kinds of literature used in the test. The last thing is ‘non-literature’. “Frankly,” he said, “it is almost impossible to advance the ability to solve in a short time. The only way to advance it is to have steady effort. Just buy any non-literature workbook that you can buy in near bookstore. And, just read meticulously as if you were talking to one who you love. This is rapid, obvious way to develop your skill in non-literature.” And he said that the most important source in Korean is continuous reading habit. He added, "Even though it is not that much, reading text every day is the obvious way to develop your Korean skill.”

The second subject is ‘English’. As you expected, teacher Sohn said that the most significant thing in English is Reading skill. She said, “If you want to improve this skill, the first thing that you should do is to have correct concept of grammar, word order, and sentence construction. Buy a book about these and just read it until you understand it perfectly. Also, you should practice to find the main idea in long text in English. If you can write the main idea or summary the text, you could develop your English writing skill. Although school doesn’t deal with listening skill as much as things like writing or reading, you have to practice listening steadily through self-directed learning. In fact, there are many curriculums about English in many websites, so the most important thing is not ‘which to choose’, but ‘how to study’.”

After the interview, teacher Sohn gave us a tip for us about high school life. She said, “If you go to high school with no plan, you will be easily failed. To prevent this, you should focus on test And, the range of test is much wider than it in middle school, so reviewing what we learned in that day and focusing on class is very important. Through it, you could get good score on the test and the performance assessment. Moreover, it might be wonderful if you take part in after-school activities associated with your career. Although you can’t write self-introduction paper, teachers might write this in your student record. Keep in mind that you can develop yourself with learning many things. And, it will be a more enjoyable and rewarding school life if you live hard every day with this.” Teacher Lee also gave us a hopeful message about high school. He said, “The high school gives different depth of worth and pleasure compared to the middle school. Go forward with expectation rather than fear. You can all do well in high school! Good luck!”

 Thanks to teacher Lee and teacher Sohn, I could finish the interview successfully.  


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