
The Change of the College Scholastic Ability Test in 2021

The Change of the College Scholastic Ability Test in 2021

20615 Sumin Byun


     The 2021 College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) will be held on December 3rd due to a delay of one month due to Corona 19. Students who are confirmed must be admitted to a separate hospital three weeks before the CSAT. If you don't recover by the end of the CSAT, you have to take the test at the place where you are. Test takers must wear masks while taking the exam. Test takers who do not have Corona 19 symptoms in the CSAT can wear regular masks, but test takers and self-pricers must wear masks with KF 80 or higher. Test-takers with no symptoms will take the test at the general test site, self-pricers will take the test at a separate test site, and confirmed patients will take the test at the hospital. Test takers with symptoms on the day of the test will be admitted to a separate test room in the general test site. The screen is installed on each desk to prevent infection. Lunch on the day of the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) must be prepared for individual lunches, must be eaten at one's seat in the exam room, and many cannot eat.


* College Scholastic Ability Test : 수능

Test-takers : 수험생

admit : 들어가게 하다

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